This is the family that traveled in the bus from trujillo to chimbote
to wish me a happy bday!! best surprise everrr.
Can`t remember if i was ever able to send these pics from
when we hiked cerro de paz, it was soo awesome!!
We went for a looong bike ride last week on pday and it was such a blast!! our boodys were sooo sore after. haha 1st time for 15 months pues! it was a total blast.
Hey please pass this along to the mayberry familyª!!! finally organized a hygeine class and service project with the fabulous ward here in chimbote. it went great and everyone was veryyy grateful!!!!
Not gonna lie, always wanted to try cuey here, gineau pig and I finally did at Miguel`s birthday get-together. not half bad!!
My companion had the genius idea to go for a bike ride and it was such a blast!! we went for the chacra in our area and it was just simply SO fun!!! then after a family from the ward that has a little salon gave us pedicures. it was bliss. we`re gonna go on another bike ride today and soak up some sun!! fanny packs are really handy.
My pensioniesta got older and elder fernandez got
transferred, so we threw a huge family home evening which was a huge
Ericka and michael are keeping the word of wisdom, but we
just recently found out that she`s still married to the dad of her son so we`re
looking into how she can divorced in order to get married to michael. we were
rushing, well running in fact after teaching them to my pensioniesta`s house
for her bday get together and I slipped and fell. it was hilarious, but also
not. haha in a skirt. classy hermana.
Ahh something awesome, we got specially invited to be at a
fhe seminary kids and shared how seminary helped us prepare for the mission, it
went wonderfully!!!
Teaching a conviviente couple named delmi & gladis.
super interested and loaddss of questions. they`re awesome!! hopefully we can
get them to a fhe tonight, depending on delmi`s taxi work scheduele. super
All the recent converts are still awesome!! juan carlos and
vanessa. and elita!!
We discovered a gym on the above level of where we play
futbol and its awesome to get some squats and hamstring workouts going on!!!
Hmm que mas solo tengo como
un minuto. todo esta MUY bien!! de verdad, estoy tan agradecida por ustedes,
este area, mi companera Y este barrio tan chevere. working hard and trying to
weed out the investigators that really can progress and everything. I made this
tarjeta por mirtha, ahh she`s the best!!
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