Monday, August 25, 2014

Week 68

Phew. so much has happened this week!!! its hard to remember it all:)

The huge highlight was the special devotional with Elder Andersen in Trujillo!! I felt like all of the messages were so directed by the spirit and so inspired. straight to the heart!!!! It was so wonderful to have ALL the mission together again, the 1st time since Christmas!!! Wow. it was incredible. We woke up at 4:24am in order to catch the bus in Trujillo and arrive in the capilla de primavera in time for the gigantic picture of everyone. keep an eye out for it on the blog!! I´m standing behind all the leaders that came to speak to us. 

Now its all about how we can apply the messages and impressions of the spirit that we received with all the members, investigators, less-actives, and recent converts in our own area!! 

 I´m really excited for this new transfer, filled with goals and souls to save and rescue. I love my Savior and this wonderful and sacred time to serve Him with all my heart, might, mind, and strength!! These members are incredible and I love their desires for righteousness.

So many amazing experiences have happened recently, too many to share right now, but just know how happy I am to be here. Truly, this gospel has brought me such great joy, its hard to even try describing it. I love my Savor Jesus Christ and the life He freely gave for each and every one of us. I know that I have this sacred and special responsibility to share His gospel with these amazing people here in Peru. I feel so grateful, just so full of love for them and the changes that they will make through the powers of the Atonement. 

Love you all tons, you are all in my thoughts and prayers EVERYDAY!!! xoxoxoxoxoxo besitos Y abrazos, como siempre:) 

huuuge fhe

our room. peru flag I bought for 6 soles

our district leader celled us at 4:24am to make sure we were awake to leave for trujillo. trying to fake being awake

cinthia, do you remember her from el bosque??!?! well she´s headed off to chile on her mission to chile!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tomorrow. legit.

legit primary anniversary stake activity slash party

yepp. just a little innappropriate. maybe she came free with the clown. awk.

cachangas, with our investigator evaline

jorge, a recent convert, who completed his 1st year as a member yesterday!!! he´s awesome.

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