Guess where we just went for P-day??!! That’s right, the largest ancient adobe city in the world!! Ahhh so awesome. Its called Chan-Chan, google it. Our tour was annoyed that we kept stopping to take pictures instead of paying suuuuper close attention to an hour and a half tour. En espanol. Sorry kid, just trying to create some memories!
Forgot to mention last week, by far my favorite part of general conference was turning to my left during one of the talks and seeing a woman breastfeeding her baby. In the chapel. Ahh so classic-peruvian style motherhood. Just pop it out wherever, whenever the baby`s hungry. Haha it’s a good reminder that I`m in South America.
Happy happy happy 24th birthday, Hunter Eric!!! I hope you live it up with Clark in Provooooo!!! You have a heart of gold and I`m so grateful for your example.
So here`s how everyone`s doing:
Maria Rosado. We taught her a few times this week, but she still has yet to finish the pamphlet for the Gospel of Jesus Christ lesson 3. Haha you`ve had a week…..but there`s so many animals to feed and look after. At least that’s the excuse she gave us. a member was able to accompany us to her house last night, so that was really good-showering her that the ward genuinely is here to help and cares about her. Its just frustrating cause she already knows a LOT and has a testimony, yet isn`t acting on her faith-which is vital to progress.
Adrian. Oh Adrian. No cell phone that we can use to see if he`s home, never there when we go over, and wasn`t there yesterday morning when we went to pick him up for church…ahhhh he`s so ready though! But without keeping commitments, can`t progressL please pray for him!!!!
Eduardo and Avelino. Actually Avelino is her 1st last name. hope that made sense…most people call her Transito and we just found that out this week…haha. Eduardo is the greatest!! Such an awesome 11 year old and he`s enjoying primary, which is wonderful. Did I mention how for conference, when I suggested to bring a notebook to take notes, he asked if he needed to bring a calculator too? Haha
Maria Mendoza. We had the incredible chance to teach all of her family this week and it was great! A really lovely family and all together! But couldn`t come to church yesterday…please pray for them too! I know this gospel can help their family become stronger and they can truly be a family together forever!!
A younger sibling of a member was really hesitant when we asked her if she would follow the example of Jesus Christ and be baptized (she attened General Conference with us) and we were confused why, but then she explained that she was really afraid of the water and doesn`t know how to swim..haha precious.
We got an investigator handed to us from a different set of Elders, cause he just moved into our area. Haha sweet! His baptism was on Sunday and will be confirmed this upcoming Saturday, so just preparing him for that. His conversion story is incredible, been ready to accept the gospel for many years now. Has daughters on missions! And is truly converted, its awesome to see someone who really GETS it and has such a love for the Savior Jesus Christ.
One of my favorite moments this week was during a lesson with a reference, I offered to give the opening prayer. She gave me a scarf thing and reminded us that we need to use a scarf to cover our heads while we pray, for respect for Jesus Christ. Haha a little puzzled about what I could do to not offend her faith, but also stay true to mine- I put it on as a scarf instead. Oh man it was hilarious. She thought that I didn`t understand that it was for my head and told my companion to explain it to me. Hna. Portillo assured her that oh yeah, I understood. Haha I just kept complimenting her on what a beautiful scarf it was and started to offer the prayer before she had time to argue. Haha oh man, by far one of my favorite moments. Oh and don`t you worry, she used it when she gave the closing prayer.
Being a missionary, or maybe just being a missionary in peru specifically sure makes ya thrifty! Like how excited we were to find a shoe box in the street. Something to store stuff in the bathroom! Haha for real. I love it, so handy. Thrifty`s a classier term than ghetto, cause that’s what it really is.
Possibly have bed bugs, not really sure yet..I woke up one morning to 19 little bites and flipped my matress and washed the sheets. Haha they just make a insect repellent body wash or something. It would be a lot handier. Hna. Gonzalse was right, sometimes it feels like we`re camping. Wearing flip-flops everywhere and using bottled water to brush teeth. At least the shower`s been better!
The President came to our district and zone meeting and of course we were the only companionship to show up a few minutes late…haha oh murphy`s law. With general conference and the work of salvation trainingship broadcast meeting, we`re really putting an emphasis on less-actives and how we can best help them and ask for references from them too. I love it!! That’s what we really need to focus and work on in this mission, how to retain the new members and help them with the individual problems and difficulties that they face.
Later in the week, we sort-of randomly had breakfast with him at the mission home. I mean we already knew we were going, but the opportunity to eat GRANOLA and ALMONDS!! Yeah-it was a good day. I had some things on my mind and it was a bit of a rough week, so it was nice to be able to talk with him. Seriously the Marlers are the greatest! Such a comfort to be able to confide in someone that understands how hard, but incredible the mission is.
Favorite part of the day is always when the police either cheer us on or try to tell us to calm down when we sprint home a few minutes before 9:30 to get home after a lesson. haha too good.
I thought Book of Mormon names for kids was just a UT thing, oh no-its in Peru too. Haha talked to Nefi this week.
With our stack of references from other missionaries, I developed a paper clip system for organizing them by the street names. We go from Paraguay, Bolivia, Mexico, to Panama in one day!
Nights are pretty windy and I`m trying to keep things classy and avoid a Marilyn Monroe moment. I can only imagine how much more confortable a suit would be. My ultimate dream would be to proselite in my camelback and chacos.
Going to and from our pensoniesta`s house is quite the adventure! She only lives a few blocks away, but trying not to get hit by a car is seriously a goal for the mission. Well that and being in the District 3. Trujillo, Peru mission represent!!!
Similar to what Hunter said about being able to communicate more smoothly when I have the spirit, I`ve found the exact same thing to be true with Spanish. The spirit is the teacher, not me! Thank goodness. Cause my Spanish is still so robotic sometimes. Please just continue to pray for these people!
Feelin`like Harrriet the Spy, writing everything down in my agenda.
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