Mom, thank you for all the great emails! I print them out each week, there´s no time to read them while we´re in the internet café. I thought about you a lot this week & hope your enjoying working with the beehives!!!
Dad, still can´t believe you met Donald Trump?!? Haha and traded pens…that’s so you!
I love you both with all my heart & am really grateful for all you´ve done for me through all the years. Thanks for treating me with respect..its sad sometimes to see the relationships that parents have with their kids here. Recently, I had 2 dreams about home and it was weird waking up in Peru! One was Dad and I on the metro and it seemed so real. Have fun riding the rails everyday!
Alright so this week…on Monday I got all of the folletos that we use for teaching bound and its been soo useful! We use them ALL the time & its nice to have them all together. I recommend it to every young man and woman preparing to serve. So useful! We taught Nely & Jorge about prayer , menos activos. Cute family, just needs to start coming to church again! Had a gread FHE with the Suyon Family.
Tuesday we had to go to the mission office, since my companion is training again. While she was in mtngs, I went on an exchange with 2 other Hnas. It was an area pretty close to the office. It was fun to work with a different set of missionaries & we had 2 great lessons! Since we were at the office, I sneakily asked one of the elders if I had any mail, since we usually don´t get any during the week of transfers…he came back with 5! Ahh so glad I had asked & thanks mom! Haha. Later in our own area, we had great lessons with Carlita, Cinthia´s mom, and Rosa.
Wednesday I found out that I´d be going to Lima for paperwork immigration stuff! I taught Franklin English that afternoon & we got to meet LeSmith´s sister who isn´t a member. Its really funny to hear Peruvian´s speak English. They have a really hard time with “th´s” and any words that first start with a constant. We cleaned up the room for our new companion that arrived that night! I was SO glad that Hermana Gonzales would be joining us in a trio en El Bosque. Its funny that she´s my companion now, she was the only person that I kinda new who was going to Trujillo before the mission. I stayed at the mission home that night & talked with Elder Pulache. He´s doing a little better, but still really drugged up since he has so much pain in his head. He may have to be sent back home, if it doesn´t get better…please pray for him!!
Thursday I spent all day in the Immigration and Naturalization building. A short flight with HERMANA EVANS, and just sitting and waiting. Finally, we got our Peru ID´s and the camera was messed up or something, cause it looks like they´res about 10 marshmellows in each cheek. Hahaha we were able to go to the Lima temple and take a few pictures, then head to the airport. Boy has a McDonald´s burger and fries never tasted so good! Haha got home late & happy to be back in my home of Trujillo.
Friday Josefina had another interview for her baptism, since it had been a few weeks since her last & she doesn´t have the best memory….and got a blessing of health. poor thing can never get any sleep. We taught Julio, Jose Luis, and Juan Carlos. It was a great 1st day in our trio!
Saturday morning, we went running. Its so nice to have a running buddy! Hermana Gonzales is from Pleasant Grove, UT and doesn´t mind waking up early to be out at 6 running at El Parque Grande. We make laps around Hna. Huaman. Haha it’s the perfect way to start each day! Josefina´s baptism seriously was a complete miracle. They ended up having to use a chair cause its hard for her to stand longer than about a minute..I was so worried the whole time…phew! We helped her change before and after…let´s just say didn´t have much support…and I´ve never seen toenails like that before! I thought & felt like Mom, with her friend Alexandra Gaiduk. Pure charity of Christ! It was awesome to have some members from the ward there, and the RS prez to welcome her. My beautiful Peruvian grandmother is baptized & looked beautiful in her baptismal dress. Later, we had a lesson with Lesmith´s friend and it was awesome to contact 2 people who are prepared to receive the restored gospel! I see the Lord´s hand in this work, I am so grateful for all of these missionary miracles!
Yesterday, we had Juan Carlos and Jose Luis at church. Jose Luis has certainly come a loooong way! He was SO quiet at first, but lessons have gotten better. We later had 2 lessons & got some new investigatos! Met a 98 year old man who still works, rides is bike-everything.haha it made me laughJ
Its awesome to think that I´ve been in Trujillo for 1 month now!! Love it. Something that I´ve noticed since being a missionary, I´m happy all the time! No matter how manby things go wrong, I´m just so happy to be here-doing the Lord´s work.
Con Mucho Amor,
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