looks like grant went to the emergency room/hospital room..? ouch! I took
pictures of everyone`s emails so that I can read everything later, so I`m not
really sure what happened there. Oh I forgot to explain, the picture with all
the colorful hearts on the window above my desk was a letter that hna. Martinez, she wrote me a
letter among 100 hearts all scrambled with numbers on the other side to put
together. So nice! Like the talk by Elder Richard G. Scott, it was so cool to
read after putting it up on my window.
not gonna lie, leaving Santiago de Chuco was really rough, I miss everything
about it. Our restaurant pensoniesta, margarita who agreed to never serve us
rice, the stars at night that were absolutely gorgeous, the fact that EVERYONE
knits sweaters, people from the Chacra that rock their pants with skirts and
huge hats that stare at me on the streets, the fact that everyone owns at least
a chicken, pig, and 5 dogs, the ridiculously annoying Jaime Pena music for his
political campaign…basically everything about the little pueblito. It was sooo
chill, which I LOVED!! The people super humble and receptive, we were able to
teach TONS!! Even the kinda weird things, like how everyone thought that Elder
Boekweg and I (the Americans) were gonna steal the kid`s organs-yeah that’s
another story in itself. Oh and one time a drunk followed us home and I slammed
the door in his face. Eh whatever, harmless. Otuzco has a BUNCH of more daily
right?!? Opening and closing and area. Didn`t have time to say goodbye to
everyone, but the ones that we did visit were super sad and confused that we
were leaving so fast. Yeah me too a
bunch of them cried and our pensoniesta called us a couple of times to see how
we`re doing. Aww man I miss them all so bad! Its ironic, we were only there for
3 weeks but I seriously just fell in love with the pueblo, people, and
is aight, but its really different from Santiago de Chuco. still the mountains,
so still absolutely gorgeous. got sick and almost fainted/passed out, but
feeling better now...Clark`s package came at the perfect
time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! except I wasn`t feeling well enough to eat any
chocolate. maybe today!!
you all very much and am thankful for all of your examples! gave a talk and
lead the hymns
in the branch yesterday