I can´t believe Rex is taking a trip out to BYU!! He´ll have a total blast with Hunter and Clark, how funJ and nice job on your football game, keep kickin´trash!
An Hermana here who was a visa waiter in our home mission knows the Portugals!! What a small world, tell them that Hermana Christensen says holaJ
Our zone got legit futbol jerseys and have worn them a few times when we play futbol in the mornings together. I put the number 8 cause they´res 8 in our family, but it worked out quite nicely cause that’s also the number of baptisms I´ve had in my first area of El Bosque!! On the sleeve, they wanted to put “just baptize”, similar to nike´s “just do it” slogan. Except an Argentinian ordered the jerseys and it came out as “just bap tize.” I had a good laugh.
Teaching our now recent convert Rosemary was awesome this week, she already knew quite a bit and has great faith. After both times of teaching, she tried to take us out to eat-but we can´t, just our pensoniesta. Haha it was really funny, trying to take us to dinner in a restaurant that’s outside of our area. She´s really kind and loving. We had a NDH with Yesenia and Martin. They have a little toddler and she´s expecting another one any day now. Super humble and just really good members. I love seeing people that really don´t have very much to give, try to be generous.
Tuesday we had a multi-zone training meeting. It was wonderful to learn of how to improve and become better missionaries! Two things I really appreciated: take care of your companions physical AND spiritual health. And how direct Hna. Marler was with talking about law of chastity and missionaries closing their hearts. We visited Yulissa, a recent convert and talked to her mom, Isabel too. She needs to get married, yet another on the list for matrimonio. A little thing about Peru:
NO ONE´S MARRIED!! Haha seriously..I literally have a list in my agenda of people that need to tie the knot. It´s probably because divorces are so expensive, so people are really apprehensive about getting married. Plus the paperwork.and money. So lately, I´ve tried to learn all I can about what paperwork is required for a civil marriage and the costs. It´s not too complicated, but hard cause many people can´t travel to get their paperwork because of their jobs.
Take Coty, por ejemplo. She´s Juan Carlos´wife, less-active Juan Carlos. Diego´s mom. Not sure how much I´ve mentioned them…anyways-found out this week that she´s married to someone else and obviously needs to get a divorce before she can get married to Juan Carlos. But divorces are over a grand nuevos soles, so I´m not sure how much time it´ll all take…plus paperwork…plus dealing with cancer treatments. Ahhh at least Mamma Lucia is helping her with the legal work. We served her and helped make dinner for her and her family. At least she´s quitting her job at the beginning of October and can start coming to church again, that’s certainly a good start.
Visited Santos with Juan Hererra this week. She´s julio´s ex-wife. Not really sure about her…or Julio…all talk and no actions…
Did Alzar La Voz in the Hermana´s area of Palermo this week. It was me, Huaman, and Skirvin. There was a reward for the highest numbers and we won with 2 lessons, 2 new investigators, 11 contacts, and 2 bap invites. Really fun to see a different area! And after 2 departing elders in our zone bore their testiomonies.
Had a lot of opportunities for service this week: Cooking for Coty, Designing bday invites and preparing for Hna. Luz´s son´s birthday, Cleaning up at a resturaunt, and helping for another bday party at Jorge and Elisabeths. I LOVE giving service, especially for part-member families.
Saturday we cleaned the baptismal font and had a wonderful night for the baptism of Rosemary, Luis Fransisco, and Sandra. Sandra´s mom almost didn´t come when we went to pick them up cause she didn´t have a skirt and was embarrassed to go in jeans. Assured her it was completely fine, and was really thankful that she was there for her daughter´s baptism. It was a little chaotic, but wonderful too! So happy for each of them and the decision that they made to follow the Savior. All 3 are references from the ward and its so nice, cause they already have friends and support from the ward! Honestly its so much more effective when the ward refers us to their friends/neighbors/family. LOVE the ward!!
Yestersday we ended up´teaching gospel principles, since the teacher´s out of town. Haha improved with teaching about obedience, slice of cake! We were taking a quick picture with one of our ZL´s who was going home and this random guy from off the street or something was super weird and blessed me…or at least I think so. It was just really weird. Gotta close the gate more!
Got a call yesterday…getting transferred to the area of Monserrat 2 with Hermana Portillo as my companion. All I know about her is that she´s from El Salvador. Hna. Gonzales is staying here and leading the area, with Hermana Downs in a trio!! How funny that my 1st comp is now gonna be serving with my former comp in my former area!! Hna. Huaman is headed to Chimbotu, training, and gonna be a sister training leader again!! Sheeeesh. Packing up today and excited to see a different area tomorrow!!
Its wonderful that Sandra is setting a wonderful example for her family! Malachi 4:6!! I´m extremely grateful that I was raised in the gospel, can´t imagine how much different everything would be.
Also saw a goat´s head cut in 3 pieces at the restaurant.
Ps. Drunk guys screaming/singing English pop songs with really bad pronunciation is not the prettiest sight….
Also dad and daughter sharing a bike with an umbrella on a rainy morning-haha so peru. I´ve seen an entire family squeeze unto a bike.and scooter.
Con Mucho Amor,
Hermana Boody